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Article submission guidelines Article submission guidelines
Dear authors.
Scientific paper must have the following structure:
2. Title (centered, full-out, capital letters)
3. Full name of authors (centered, full-out)
4. Science degree, position (centered, full-out)
5. Full name of the organization (university) (centered, full-out)
6. Country, city
7. Abstract (in italics)
Abstract includes characteristics of the main theme, problems of the object, purposes of the work and its results. In abstract one indicates what new things are in the article in comparison with other articles with related topics and purpose. It is not recommended to quote from the article. Recommended average volume of abstract is 500 typographical units (GOST 7.9-95 System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing).
8. Keywords (4-9 words) (in italics)
9. Text of the article
The articles are published in author's wording. The text of the article contains authentic scientific facts and it is author's material. The article has not grammatical, stylistic mistakes. Placement of the author’s photo near the caption is possible. Requirement to the photo is an official style.
Text of scientific article should be written in MS Word, A4, GOST 9327-60, Times New Roman, 14 pt. Line spacing is 1,5.
Minimal volume of the article is 4 pages.
– MS Word Format
– Margins: upper and lower - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1,5 cm
– Paragraph indention – 1,25
– Breadthways text justification
– Pages are not numbered
– Numbering of formulas is on the right side of formula parenthetically
– All figures, photos, diagrams should be placed in articles in high quality, in black-and-white color since the black-and-white printing is used.
10. List of references is executed in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 and listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order. Sources in foreign languages are after the sources in Russian.
In case of your article is in English, you should add the article’s name, full name of the author (-s), facts about the authors, abstract and keywords in Russian.