
International scientific journal
«The Way of Science»
«The Way of Science» is the journal for people actively interested in the current state of science and prospects of its development.
Editorial staff of the journal invites Russian and foreign students, graduate students, doctoral candidates, teachers, research scientists of the organizations, and also all authors interested in possibility of scientific dialogue to cooperation.
Acceptance of the articles in the international journal
«The Way of Science» 
(№ 3 (133), March)
Application Deadline is March 5, 2025
Electronic version of the journal – the second half of March, 2025
Sending of printed copies – the first half of April, 2025

Путь науки (без номера) с ISSNThe journal «The Way of Science» is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in  the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications http://www.rsoc.ru/ (Registration Certificate ПИ № ФС 77 - 53970, distribution territory – the Russian Federation, foreign countries) and in ISSN International Centre (ISSN 2311-2158).

 Свидетельство Путь наукиRegistration certificate of MSM

The results of scientific researches in different fields of science in Russian and English languages are published in the journal. The electronic version of the journal is published on the website free of charge that will allow expanding the volume of scientific contacts at the expense of a free access to the research results.


The journal is indexed in the following databases:

Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (the USA)
ResearchBib (Japan)

Index Copernicus International, Poland

The journal is registered in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU
URL of the journal https://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=50557

The journal «The Way of Science» is issued 12 times a year.

Categories of the journal:
Physical and mathematical sciences
Chemical sciences
Biological sciences
Technical sciences
Agricultural sciences
Historical sciences and archeology
Economic sciences
Philosophical sciences
Philological sciences
Pedagogical sciences
Medical sciences
Study of art
Psychological sciences
Sociological sciences
Political sciences
Earth sciences
Materials for the publication in the journal (together with the application form) should be sent via e-mail to the Executive editor: sciway@mail.ru
Founder and publisher: Publishing House «Scientific survey»
Address: Volgograd, ave. Metallurgov, 29
Phone: 8(962) 7600-119
E-mail: sciway@mail.ru